Tuesday 23 January 2007

Game, Set and Match

Deuce, advantage, deuce, advantage, game....I have to admit that I got hooked ~ on tennis! For those of you who know me well, this is quite a confession. You see, I headed off to bed at 2.00am this morning after being glued to the match between Spain's Rafael Nadal and Scotland's Andy Murray. And, yes, I was cheering for the underdog! As disappointed as I was to hear the words "Game, set and match Nadal", I revelled in the physical stamina shown by both players in their almost four hour on court battle.
Deuce ~ it's a frustrating part of the match for any spectator, especially when the advantage point is lost and keeps being refought. This made me ponder that life always has its 'deuce' moments of challenge. And during these times we often need to display our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual stamina to experience daily victories.
Love ~ another tennis term, though one with a negative outcome. What is the origin of 'love' meaning 'nil' in tennis scoring? One Oxford Dictionary commentator answers: "It seems to have been adapted from the phrase 'to play for love (of the game)', that is, to play for nothing. Although the theory is often heard that it represents the French word l'oeuf an 'egg' (from the resembance between an egg and a nought) this seems unlikely." Interesting! But I'm so glad that the real (spiritual) definition of love is positive and influential.
Game, set and match ~ the victor's war cry! The battle's won and the reward is now to be claimed. Today marked the "Game, set and match" for Nigel Steadman, a Salvationist acquaintance of mine who claimed his heavenly reward at the age of 48 years.
At the Thanksgiving Service this afternoon there was alot of referencing to the word 'Love' in describing Nigel's on-going influence in the lives of those he maintained relationships with, but also in connection to God's impact upon our own personal lives as He seeks us to live in relationship with Him.
The words of this chorus came prayerfully to mind ~ "Let there be love shared among us, let there be love in our eyes. May now Your love sweep this nation, cause us, O Lord, to arise. Give us a fresh understanding of brotherly love that is real. Let there be love shared among us, let there be love."
Yes ~ a real, positive, influential, eternal and relational love flowing from God through us!

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